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Alexa Integration is Here!




  • PaulR

    This is the first time I've ever used an Alexa Skill that can't just search for my device. 

    So anyway, I followed the spoken instructions, told it my room name, and then tried to read out my link code…

    "No device found with that link code"…

    It started with a letter, followed by 5 numbers - I tried saying zero, nought and ‘o’ and still the same.

    I unlinked the skill, re-linked the skill, launched it on different devices, but still the same - nothing! 


    This was after I spent an hour trying to link my device to version one of the app (before I realised you had two apps), I am now beyond frustrated. :/

  • Customer Service
    Community manager

    Hey Paul, 

    I know we've emailed directly already but I wanted to pop a response here as well in case anyone else faces this problem! Without knowing your serial number I can't be 100% sure of the issue, but it's possible that Alexa can't understand the link code when you're saying it. To bypass speaking the link code, after you set up the room and when Alexa asks for your link code you can go into your Alexa app and click on the Alexa icon in the bottom right, then tap on the keyboard icon. This will allow you to type the link code in directly exactly as it's written. 

    Let us know how you get on, as any and all feedback is useful for such a new feature!

  • PaulR

    Well. you had my email response, so you know that didn't work.

    Is the link code ‘hard coded’ into the device, or is there a way to refresh it?

  • Customer Service
    Community manager

    Hi PaulR,

    We've had a look in the back end and there doesn't seem to be a discrepancy in the link code, and we can't find a clear reason why your Alexa device isn't recognising it. I'll get in touch to discuss further options so we can get you connected!

  • abowles

    Just hit the same problem…

    2x units connected fine but 2x units failed to connect with "No device found with that link code"…

    All 4x units have the same firmware, pretty much sequential serial numbers and I used the same approach on all. I’ve messaged Briiv separately but is there is an update on this problem anyone can share ?

  • PaulR

    Well, just in case this gets picked up on before my email does -- I'm having exactly the same issue with the replacement unit, which is a shame.

  • PaulR

    Back here after ten months to say that Alexa integration is still not working - I have been patient, I was told August and now it's October!

    This was one of the features that prompted me to purchase Briiv to begin with, so I do feel like I've been miss-sold something. 

  • Customer Service
    Community manager

    Hi Paul,

    We understand your frustration and we want you to know we've taken what you've said on board. I believe the customer service team is currently processing your return request and will be in touch later today! 


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