The activated carbon filter takes the existing capture technology within the nano matrix and amplifies it ten-fold.
Activated carbon had a large surface area with a porous structure which means it's excellent at adsorption. This makes activated carbon perfect for removing gaseous chemicals and bad smells from the air.
Activated carbon is a great filter option for Briiv because when it’s finished with you can return it to soil. While it doesn’t biodegrade, it can be mixed into soil where it’s shown to be excellent for improving soil structure and preventing a build-up of impurities. Because it doesn’t break down, it has carbon sequestering properties which prevent the release of CO2 and VOCs back into the atmosphere.
We aren’t the first to use activated carbon for its incredible filtration capabilities (and we won’t be the last!) but unlike other brands, we let the carbon do its thing without the constraints of fabric or plastic casings. This means less material waste and better airflow.
This filter can only be used in the Briiv 2.
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