When you first connect your Briiv to the app, you'll have the option to set a schedule. This will allow you to set the hours and speed you'd like your Briiv to be running without having to do any manual controls.
The first time you set the schedule it's important to remember that a grey fan means no schedule is set and the Briiv will only follow manual controls (through pressing + and - on the app or on the front of the unit).
An all white fan icon means you've scheduled the unit to stop. So if you only want your unit to run between 6am and 8am, and be off otherwise, you'll want the fans outside of this time to be white (not grey!).
Here’s how to schedule the fan speed:
Different schedule blocks in one day
- Choose the time you want your schedule block to start and click on the fan icon to cycle through the speed options.
- Click on a later time to indicate the end of the schedule block. This will backfill any spaces between the start and the end.
- You can set one fan speed per schedule block.
- Press the tick to confirm the schedule block.
- To set another schedule block, you must confirm the existing block by pressing the tick.
- You can move between schedule blocks using the arrows. You can remove a schedule block by highlighting it using the arrows and tapping the bin icon.
Highlighted schedule blocks
- Between schedule blocks the unit will revert to the manual speed that was set before the schedule began. If you manually set your Briiv to speed 2 before the schedule block, it will return to speed 2 once the schedule ends.
- Click on the three dots to copy a day’s schedule to the rest of the week, or to reset the schedule to grey.
Dropdown menu
If you interact with Briiv during a schedule, the remainder of the schedule block will be ignored in favour of the manual speed change.
- The schedule will start again at the next block.
- This allows for temporary adjustment of the schedule, for example during a call or meeting.
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